Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Dead Gatsby

Well in truth if you want to be a douche you could say it was Daisy's fault for being the one that Gatsby fell in love with and the one he wanted to become rich for. But in truth it is her fault but not in that way. Instead of simply just telling Gatsby it was too late for him and letting him move on, she had an affair with him and when he thought she would leave Tom, she flipped back around on him because Tom manipulated her. That's when it becomes Tom's fault originally. It fully becomes his fault when he leads George Wilson to believe that Gatsby was the one having an affair with Myrtle and that he was also the one who killed her.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Okay Gatsby

I think it's titled that because it's almost like a stage name, sorta like with magicians and all that. He's this elusive character that throws all of these great parties but has anyone ever actually seen him? Do they actually know who he is? No, they just know he throws great parties so to them he's The Great Gatsby.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Such Beautiful, Much Quote

“I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”  it shows that Daisy is a lot smarter than everyone makes her out to be.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Worth Fighting For

Equal rights are worth fighting for which is kind of a dumb statement because we should already have them which is exactly why they're worth fighting for.

Monday, November 25, 2013

I believe that the most meaningful moment in the first chapter of the Great Gatsby was when Nick was talking about what his father told him about judging people.

Friday, November 22, 2013


I would probably not act any different because I would end up twisting everything around in my head like "Okay so I can control my personality" and then I change something but then I'd be like "Is my personality really changed?" and then I'd have this whole conversation with myself in my head and everything would get jumbled up so I'd just not change anything and skip over the whole fighting with myself thing.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rich people

I don't know any rich people so i can't say it from a personal point of view but from what I see in today's society, most rich people aren't good. That's only because they have this opportunity to do what they want without, mostly without, consequence. It's just a handful of people, but in general, the fact that money runs the world is what gives rich people the opportunity to be awful.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I would changed my whole life for the chance to work at Roosterteeth. I don't know how to explain it but working there would be my dream job and so far it doesn't seem that I'd be able to work there.

Monday, November 18, 2013

I would absolutely love to have Lee Pace, I mean, have you seen his face? Of course if I couldn't have that I would love to work at Roosterteeth. To be honest that's my dream job, other than acting of course, because it's just like a huge family there. The entire setup at Roosterteeth is absolutely beautiful.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

In all honesty I wouldn't write anything. I just don't know how to put my thoughts down into words unless it's from somebody else's perspective and Winston's not writing a story he's writing what's happening in his world. I can't do that. It would literally just have a sentence saying "Today was terrible, yesterday was terrible, tomorrow will more than likely be terrible." I'm extremely uncreative when it comes to myself.
I completely agree with the quote because getting the power is the means, but the power is how you end it all. Let's say that you want to be elected president but you're somewhat of a nobody. You would have to gain power and influence to get to the end of your goal.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Thoughts on Equiano

I don't really have any strong opinions on it. I know how terrible the slave trade was, I've been taught about it and I've researched it myself so I don't really see the need to be reading this. I would prefer to read a classic but I guess it's better than nothing.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How do you make a more perfect union?

Well for one I wouldn't have rich middle aged white men deciding everything for a country full of people that aren't rich middle aged white men. They definitely wouldn't be allowed to touch anything relating to the female body since they don't seem to understand them at all. Also I would make sure people wouldn't be allowed to bring religion anywhere near government since religion is the death of common sense anyways. You wanna follow a religion? That's fine but don't try to force it down anyone's throat. I would make sure everyone had their voice heard above all. And I mean everyone.