Friday, August 16, 2013

Thoughts on Equiano

I don't really have any strong opinions on it. I know how terrible the slave trade was, I've been taught about it and I've researched it myself so I don't really see the need to be reading this. I would prefer to read a classic but I guess it's better than nothing.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How do you make a more perfect union?

Well for one I wouldn't have rich middle aged white men deciding everything for a country full of people that aren't rich middle aged white men. They definitely wouldn't be allowed to touch anything relating to the female body since they don't seem to understand them at all. Also I would make sure people wouldn't be allowed to bring religion anywhere near government since religion is the death of common sense anyways. You wanna follow a religion? That's fine but don't try to force it down anyone's throat. I would make sure everyone had their voice heard above all. And I mean everyone.